SOL Baltics joined the Estonian Employers´ Confederation

22. January 2021

SOL Baltics is one of the largest employers in Estonia with 1,700 employees. As a large organization, we feel obligated to develop the Baltic cleaning market and to participate in the growth of the maintenance and laundry market. For development, we constantly involve our partners in both – products and training. We are probably the biggest trainers in our sector, because we want to have a high quality and to have competent employees. Regarding the development of our organization, we believe that we are leading the way, rather than being in need of help. We think that the professional knowledge of the Estonian cleaning sector is one of the highest and most exemplary in Europe. A well-functioning private and state training system on the one hand and the natural commitment of Estonians to new innovations is a good carrier here.

The development of both, our company and the entire cleaning sector, is limited by concerns other than the quality of cleaning or lack of skills. These concerns are the constant shortage of labor, the social tax that does not promote part-time work, the low income of a cleaning worker (only 39% of the average salary in Estonia), the income tax law passed in 2019, which does not benefit working in various jobs and working as a pensioner, Estonia’s non-existent immigration policy, etc. These are the main reasons, why SOL Baltics joined the Estonian Employers’ Confederation, as together with a larger organization, we can influence processes that benefit more than just one company.

Estonian Employers Confederation (EEC) is the most influential business representative organization in Estonia. The members are united by the desire to get involved in creating a better business environment. Since 1917, the EEC has represented the interests of employers in relations with the legislative body, the executive body and the trade unions. EEC differs from other business organizations as it focuses on the big picture regarding the development of the Estonian business environment, the relations between the labor market participants, and the quality of the workforce. Estonian Employers Confederation  is the only organization that is nationally approved as a social partner. The organization is led by a broad-based council of 30 members and all preparations are made in active sectoral working groups. SOL Baltics representatives are also represented in almost every working group. The working groups are: economy and taxation, the labor market, education, the environment, health and the innovation startup chamber.

We hope that both organizations will benefit from the cooperation. We will have a bigger surface, where we can solve our concerns and we will definitely be competent partners for the EEC in many areas.

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Read more about Estonian Employers Confederation: