Extra work provided opportunity for additional travel and hiking experiences
25. June 2024
Märten Kala (22) is a university student, former decathlete and entrepreneur with an active and diverse life. He came to work at SOL after his fraternity brother Karl invited him. Märten found that this type of extra work is a great opportunity to tune out his thoughts from university life and escape his daily routine.

Currently, Märten is studying physics at university. In the future, he wants to learn more about nuclear energy.
Märten has worked at SOL several times. Last summer, he trimmed grass at several locations. Recently he stepped in as a janitor. Soon, he’ll go to Malta for a backpacking trip – this was the goal of his extra work. After Malta, he plans to return to work so he can start saving money for his next hiking trip to Sweden. Earning extra money allows him to improve his hiking equipment.
Märten considers himself a perfectionist for whom everything must be organised and finished at the right time. On his first day, he was shocked by how much work had to be done at the locations because he wanted to be as thorough as he could be. While working, he learned to do one thing at a time and to do his job as effectively as possible without wasting time.
An average workday for Märten starts early, at around five in the morning. During the day, he takes around 40,000 steps, starting from the most important jobs that have to be done by eight in the morning and then moving on to other locations. What makes Märten happy at this job is when people working at the locations know him by name and happily greet him.
Märten is studying physics at university. In the future, he wants to study nuclear energy. During exam sessions, he tries to finish his exams as quickly as possible, so he has more time to dedicate to work.
Märten doesn’t have a problem occupying his free time. He reads books, hikes a lot, studies German and plays the guitar. His student company, which produces toothbrush tablets, won the 2021 Ajujaht competition. Märten isn’t an active part of the company anymore but he advises them and owns a small share of the firm. His dream travel destination is New Zealand, where he wants to hike the Te Araroa trail.
Märten recommends working at SOL to all students and fraternity members because the job offers the chance to be physically active and the opportunity to be away from student life and give your mind a rest.